Strength Discovered

Becoming Who You Want to Be (Mini-sode)

Stefanie Nielsen Season 1 Episode 16

Becoming who you want to be, is a process! I had an inspirational download this week, and share it here on this mini-sode. Enjoy!

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Welcome back. It's your girl, Stefanie here, and today is a minisode. So, the other day, I was driving back from an appointment I had for one of my kids. And I had this interesting thought pop in my mind. And for me, I get these downloads in a way, it's, that's what I call them, where there's just this huge awareness that comes flooding in. And if I don't capture it right then and there, then sometimes it dissipates. And it's gone. 

So I'm in the car, I'm driving. And thank goodness, I had a child in the car with me and I said, "Hey, grab my phone, I need you to put this in my notes app". And I want to share it with you, in hopes that you find it inspiring and helpful with whatever you're working on for yourself right now. Are you ready? Okay, good. Here it is.

"You have to be willing to forget who you think you are. In order to embody and become you've always known you could be." And I have a little bit of emotion coming up as I read that to you, because I am not the same person that I was 10 years ago, or five years ago, or a year ago or six months ago. And through that process of change and evolving. As a human being, I have had to do that. I have had to forget who I think I am. In order to become who I know I can be. 

And it makes me reflect and think back on a couple different things. The first thing is reflecting back on leaving religion, and how excruciating that was, I had to put aside or forget who I thought I was that the identity of being a Mormon, and unpack it and forget it, and build something new and step in to the unknown, and figure things out as I went. And that is a terrifying process. But as I look back, I'm so glad I did. Because I would not be who I am today without that experience of religion, and then also of leaving religion. 

And the second thing it makes me reflect back on is my years of binge eating. It was something that had taken over my life. Food was the way to control, food was a way to escape. It was everything. It was a very hard time in my life. Because I was using it like a drug I was using it to numb out I was using it to avoid what I was thinking and feeling. And as I started being willing to forget that identity of being a binge eater, and embody something new. That's when things started to shift, and change.

And right now, I also find myself in this transformational phase of forgetting who I think I am, to embody and become who I know I can be. And right now that's in like my marriage, it's in my business. It's in so many different ways that I am unlearning who I think I am and becoming who I want to be and know that I can be like, I know that's in there. Some people talk about it in regards to like embodying your higher self. But in order to do that, it's painful because you have to set aside so many limiting beliefs, so many moods, attitudes, perceptions, thinking patterns, familiar emotions. 

It's a complex process to forget who you think you are, to take the next step into something different and into something new. But the great news is that our brains are constantly changing, this neuroplasticity ability that our brains have. It's amazing. Our brains are constantly changing, like we change when we learn a new skill. When we have a conversation, when we read a book, when you listen to a podcast, your brain is changing as you do those things. So change happens in the brain when we get new information. But it's short lived if that information isn't integrated into the brain. 

So when we're thinking about this download that popped into my mind this week, if you have to be willing to forget who you think you are, in order to embody and become who you've always known you could be, that means that we have to not only gather new information about who we can be, but then we have to integrate it. We can't just be wishful thinking about it. We have to then embody those things and practice those new things as we are releasing and letting go of what's no longer working for us with attached to that old identity or the old personality. 

And when you listen to this next part, you might think, well, that's ridiculous, but I really don't think so. Our personalities, our identities, are constantly in flux and constantly changing. They're not fixed. Just like the brain is constantly evolving. Our personalities and identities are also evolving as well. And this is very apparent when someone has a midlife crisis, when all of a sudden they're 40,45, 50 years old and all it's like, "Who the fuck am I, I don't know". And then this is the whole evolutionary process. But we can do something like that on purpose. 

We don't have to wait for that panic mode to then make a change. Because our personalities come from a lot of different things that come from our automatized habits. They come from our moods, our attitudes, our beliefs, our perceptions, our thinking patterns, or the emotions that we feel on the most regular basis. And then that leads into the things we do and the results that we get. And all of those things, those moods, those attitudes, the beliefs, the thoughts, the emotions are all malleable, and changeable, which means that our personality is also malleable, and changeable. 

So we ask yourself, Who am I being right now? Do I like that version of myself? Am I willing to forget that version of myself in order to embody and become who I know I can be? This is something that when we really understand when we really give ourselves space, to think about something deeply in regards to who we are, and who we want to be. It's the beginning of a new unfolding, of stepping into the unknown in a way, that's beautiful, and empowering. It's not stagnant, it's not fixed, it's flowing, it's evolving. It's, that's as humans, we're constantly evolving and changing. Why not apply that to something like this, as well. 

I want to know what you think about this? Do you believe that this is even possible to become who you always known you could be? Or do you have a fixed mindset? And you just tell yourself, well, this is who I am, I can't, I can't change this. This is just something I've done for a really long time. And if you are there, and this is hitting you, like "fuck you, Stefanie, this is ridiculous". I just want you to pause and step back for a couple minutes. And really allow yourself to think about this a little bit more deeply. Because if you want to make a change, but you're telling yourself it's not possible for you, then that's what you will experience. But instead if you want to make a change, and then you open up to the possibility of that change, and allow that to percolate and integrate within you. The sky's the limit and you become unstoppable. 

Hope you're having a beautiful day. Wherever you are listening to this. sending you all my love. You've got this!