Strength Discovered

When Life's Circumstances are Less than Desirable (mini-sode)

Stefanie Nielsen Season 1 Episode 18

When life gives you a circumstance that is less desirable than what you would prefer to be having, you have two options.

#1: You can allow yourself to slip into a state of being that matches that circumstance.

#2: Or you can purposefully direct your state of being with your thinking and your emotional states, so that you can handle that circumstance in an empowered way instead.

Tune in to see how I applied this concept for myself in regards to getting picking up a virus & coming down with a cold!!

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Welcome back, it's your girl, Stefanie here with a little bit of a cold. So if you hear something funny in my voice, I'm just recovering. And it's interesting how easy it is to, at least for me, to judge myself when I end up getting sick. Because I have this limiting belief that if I take good enough care of myself, if I keep myself in a good enough state of being, then I won't get sick. 

Well, the truth of the matter is, even when we're doing all those things, sometimes things get through our immune system, and we get sick. So I was faced over the weekend and the end of last week with the decision of how am I going to handle this? My body needs rest, how am I going to respond? And I was very purposeful with the questions I was asking myself with how to respond with us. Because in the past, for me getting sick, there's also like, a sense of shame or guilt around it. 

I don't know, maybe that's my go to default modes of having shame or guilt around something that comes up in my life. And so I really decided to ask myself better questions, like: Okay, I am sick, I acknowledge that this is what's going on. What am I going to do with it? I can't change it, my body has to go through the process of killing whatever virus I have. So in the meantime, how am I going to handle this? How can I keep my state of being in a place that helps my body heal, instead of creating more stress for my body? 

It's so challenging, because when we have circumstances in our life, that are giving us less than desirable experiences, it's so easy to slip back into past patterns, it's so easy to slip back into ways of being that don't serve us and feeling bad for ourselves and playing the victim card. And oh, woe is me pity pity pity, whatever it is, whatever your go to is, mine is shame and guilt, yours might be something completely different. 

But the thing I want you to really think about and unpack for yourself, is what current circumstances are happening in your life right now. That you're not happy about, and that you've slipped back into old patterns with instead of purposely keeping your thinking and your emotional states in a place that helps you handle and deal with the current circumstances in a proactive way. And because I know my voice isn't going to hold out for too terribly long today, I'm going to sum this up in just a few words, when life gives you a circumstance that is less desirable than what you would prefer to be having, you have two options. You can allow yourself to slip into a state of being that matches that circumstance. Or you can purposefully direct your state of being with your thinking and your emotional states, so that you can handle that circumstance in an empowered way instead. 

So the next time you come up to a place in your life, where you're resisting your current experience, really check in with yourself and ask if you are shifting your state of being to match the experience or if you are elevating your state of being so that you can handle the circumstance in a more proactive way. For me, when I have this option come up, I mean, it happens quite frequently in our lives, we have lots of circumstances that we're like, this is my deal, I don't have time for this shit. But if we can just step back and say okay, what state of being due I want to be in so they can handle the situation. If I dip down and match the circumstances, I probably am not gonna be able to find a solution because I'm in a lower vibrational state. 

But if I elevate my state of being with purposeful thoughts and purposeful emotions, then I'm better able to handle that circumstance from a higher vibrational state that actually is me more clarity, more openness of mind. So I challenge you. The next time this happens, whether it's like for me getting sick this last weekend of having an opportunity to practice this this from the state of being. Or it can be something different or bigger in business, or a relationship, or with food or your body. Really ask yourself what state of being am I bringing to this unwanted circumstance? Am I matching it? Or am I elevating myself above it so that I can see it with more clarity and use it for me for my own personal growth instead of allowing it to keep me stuck and trapped with where I am?

Thank you for joining me today for this mini mini minisode. And if you haven't already, sign up for the early bird list for the course that I'm launching this month here in just within this next week. It's happening so soon, space is limited. So if you want to be on the earlybird list and have an opportunity to join me in this course where I marry EFT tapping and concepts of neuroscience to help you achieve your dreams, then the link is going to be in the show notes sign up you'll get first dibs when the course is live. 

All my best, sending you love and light and remember you have absolutely got this!

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