Strength Discovered

Your Neuroplasticity Roadmap

Stefanie Nielsen Season 1 Episode 21

In this episode, I'm putting all the pieces together from the 7 rules of neuroplasticity episodes. You can consider this your "Neuroplasticity Roadmap" for achieving your goals and dreams.

There are 7 guidelines and 6 stages that I guide your through on my episode. Be sure you grab the PDF download that accompanies this episode. It's my gift to you - your very own blueprint for using your brain's neuroplasticity to achieve your goals by creating lasting change.

➡️ Get your Neuroplasticity Roadmap here.

NR #1: Mindfulness
NR #2: Choices
NR #3: Intention
NR #4: Focus
NR #5: Repetition
NR #6: Emotion
NR #7: Belief

Download Your Neuroplasticity Roadmap

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Hey there, and welcome back. This is your girl Stefanie. And today's episode is a special episode, I am taking all the information that I've been sharing with you about neuroplasticity, and putting it into one place. You can consider this, your neuroplasticity roadmap, a way to help guide you through the process of using your brain's natural ability to achieve your dreams and goals. And of course, I marry that with EFT tapping, because we come up to blocks, we have resistance. And we don't know why we can't move forward. But we tend to sabotage and keep ourselves stuck. So I marry both these concepts with EFT tapping when I'm achieving a goal that I am trying to call into my life. 

So first and foremost, I'm going to go over the seven rules of neuroplasticity, I took these rules and made them my own. I looked at how I actually use these, and in which order, I tend to use them. So the first section I'm going to go over, I'm calling them guidelines, not rules, because that feels better to me. So I'm going to go over the seven guidelines. With those, there's going to be some questions to help you understand them from maybe a different perspective than what I've shared before. And then the second part is going to be taking you through the six stages that I use to really embody not only tapping, but also neuroplasticity to help me get to where I want to go. And in each of those stages, there's different combinations of the guidelines that I use. And if that doesn't make complete sense right now, don't worry, I'm just giving you an overview, so you know what's coming up and what to expect on this episode. 

So let's get into the first portion about the guidelines. And there will be links to each of these rules or guidelines, so that the episodes that correspond with them. So if this is where you're starting, and you want to take a deeper dive into each of them, you'll be able to find them in the show notes. So guideline one, have awareness, plus compassionate curiosity. And this goes along with the rule of mindfulness. And the two questions that are really helpful to really see where you are with awareness and compassion. Are these: The first one, Do you have an awareness of your internal environment, thoughts, emotions, and sensations? And the second question, do you have an awareness of your external environment, people, places, things. 

And if you're panicking right now, and thinking holy shit, I need to take notes. You don't, I've got your pack, there is a PDF download that is going to go beautifully with this, that you can reference, you can also find that in the show notes. The second guideline, is have awareness of your actions. And this goes along with the rule of choices. And the two questions here are: do you have an awareness of the actions you're taking? And can you consciously choose what you really want? Or is there resistance? And you'll notice that in both of these guidelines, there's a lot of awareness that is taking place. And awareness is one of the first things we need in order to create change. 

Guideline number three, your goal or dream. And this goes along with the rule of intention. The first question here is what goal or dream Have you always wanted to achieve? But can't seem to? And then the second question, what have you always wanted, but you don't believe you can do it?

Guideline number four, get crystal clear about your goal, or dream. And this goes along with the rule of focus. So what is it look like? What will you able to see do or be as a result? And are you going to need to learn a new skill to make your goal or dream a reality? 

And guideline number five, revisit your goal or dream? And this goes along with the rule of repetition. And the question here is, are you giving your brain enough exposure to this goal or dream? And are you giving your brain the right line of thinking to wire in a new neural network? 

And guideline number six, use your feelings to your advantage. And this goes along with the rule of emotion. So What feelings do you think you're going to get when you achieve your dream or goal? And are you giving yourself opportunities to allow more of those feelings into your life now? 

And last but not least, guideline number seven, have confidence in the outcome. And this goes along with the rule of belief. So do you believe you can accomplish it? And do your thoughts and emotions reflect a belief in your goal? So those are the seven guidelines. We need to have awareness plus compassionate curiosity we need to have awareness of the things that we're choosing, we need to be clear about our goal or a dream, we need to get crystal clear about what it's going to look like, what do I think it's going to give me? Do I need to learn something to make it possible, and then revisit your goal, that's repetition, revisit it, look at it often remind yourself, help yourself, build that neural network in your brain. Using your feelings to your advantage, to use your emotions in a way that serve you instead of getting you stuck. And then having the confidence in the outcome, having the confidence and believing that your goal and dream may not be here present right now. But it is already on its way you are already building it, you believe in the eventual outcome of it. So those are the seven guidelines. 

The next part, I'm going to really take you into what I consider the neuroplasticity roadmap, the guidelines are a way to understand and then this roadmap is really going to help us apply them in a way that can create that lasting change. So there's six total for these different stages of using tapping and neuroplasticity together to then reach an outcome or a goal. So the first stage is knowing where you are, we can't get to where we want to be unless we know where we are first. 

The second stage is where you want to be. I think of this like planning a trip. If I'm planning a trip somewhere, I need to know where I'm starting from. And I need to know where the destination is. And it's the same way with this. Our brains thrive on order and clarity. And these first two stages help us get there. 

And then the third stage is bridging the gap, we need to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to be. And this is really important. A lot of the time we can understand where we are and where we want to be. But then we're like, Well, shit, that gap is really big, I don't even know how to do it, it's overwhelming. So bridging the gap is making it digestible, making it doable in smaller steps and clearing our resistances with tapping in that process. 

FAnd the fourth stage is emotions and intuition. So emotions and intuition are tricky. Because sometimes our emotions can be tied to a limiting belief. And we can get caught up in that cycle. And we confuse that emotional response as intuition. Whereas intuition is something that's completely different. It's something that's guiding us towards growth and expansion and becoming more of who we really are. So distinguishing the difference between the two and using those emotions as indicator lights to see where we need to use tapping to then release the resistance that's coming up. 

And the fifth stage in this roadmap is called the "Fuck-It's". I know that if I pretend that this isn't going to happen, it will take me out, every time. I've heard this called expecting the dip, right? But for me, when I'm in that place, it's always this place of like fuck this fuck that, why did I even try bla bla bla bla. So understanding that this is going to happen on your journey towards your goal is imperative and knowing how to handle it, to have a plan for when this comes up, because it's going to.

 And then the sixth stage is really unleashing your power, really taking everything that you've been doing, and using it in a way that then creates momentum. So in the neuroplasticity roadmap, I have detailed each of these stages into five different categories. So in each stage, there's a guideline to use. There's an objective that we have, there's a possible roadblock to look out for. There's integration to really understand and create wisdom. And then there's tapping to help us get from where we are to where we want to be. And you can take a deeper dive when you download that neuroplasticity roadmap. But for today's episode, I'm going to focus on the guidelines that are in each stage, and then the possible roadblocks that could keep you stuck and prevent you from moving to the next stage. 

So the first stage where you are, the guideline here is mindfulness. Where we're really unpacking and taking the time to observe where you're starting from with compassion. And the roadblock that comes up here is judging yourself for not being where you want to be. Judging yourself because someone else is already there. And this is really important to be aware of as you are creating an awareness of where you are starting from. If this comes up, if judging yourself comes up this is where tapping comes in beautifully. You can use tapping to help reduce and relieve and let go of that judgment so that you can look at it objectively, because we need to know where we are, in order to get to where we want to be. Just like planning a trip or a vacation, you need to know your starting point and your destination. 

And your destination is in stage two, it is where you want to be. And the guidelines here are mindfulness, intention and focus. We really need to get clear about what you want. What do you want? What are you looking for? What feelings are you looking for? What experiences are you looking for, as you are looking at this dream or this goal that you're moving towards? What is it in that, that you're really wanting. And the possible roadblock here is when we get stuck in worrying about the how. How am I going to get there, this feels so big, I'm not sure if I can do this? It's unfamiliar, it's unknown. And all of those things can be addressed with tapping, where we release that worry, and we embrace the possibilities of where you want to be. 

And then stage three is bridging that gap. And the guidelines here are choices, intention, focus, belief, and repetition. This is really where the rubber starts to meet the road, we have clarity about where we are where we want to be. And now we're bridging the gap between those two things. You want to get into alignment with that goal that you're moving towards. And the thing that can trip you up here that roadblock that can surface is ruminating over past mistakes and ruminating about how this hasn't worked for you in the past. Instead of looking at those past experiences as wisdom. And this is where tapping can come in, it can help change those past memories that we have and ruminating about how things never worked out for us, and shift into wisdom. And that really helps us bridge the gap, it creates this momentum that then can help us move forward. 

And moving into the fourth stage is all about emotions, and intuition. And the guidelines here are mindfulness and emotion, really understanding how your emotions and intuition can serve you. And the roadblock here is confusing, a limiting belief and the emotion that's attached to it, as intuition. And this is tricky. This is something that comes with experience. And it comes with really getting to know yourself in a deep, compassionate way. And I love tapping for limiting beliefs, it gives us a way to release it and reframe in a very powerful way. It helps us use our emotions as guidelines of what needs to be released, so that then we can move forward with our intuition. Instead of a limiting belief, and its associated emotion, making choices for us. 

And that brings us to stage five, the "Fuck-It's", this is going to happen. It happens all the time. And this is where we tend to give up. This is where if you ever seen that image of there's a miner mining for gold, and he's down this long tunnel, he's been doing it for a long time. And he stops, he's tired, he's exhausted. But what he doesn't realize is that he is five feet away from gold when he's already channeled in there, I don't know, 50 feet or something like it's the Fuck-It's come up, right before we have a breakthrough. So the guidelines here or mindfulness and choices, we really need to be aware of the temptation to give up before we reach that breakthrough. 

And the possible roadblock here is resisting and ignoring when these feelings surface. I can't stress enough the importance that when the fuck it's come up, it's not a bad thing. It is that emotional guidance system coming to the surface saying, "Hey, we've got some shit in here that is going to prevent us from moving forward. Let's take a look at that". And that's where tapping comes in with this module is to really be present with those things that surface and, by observing them not being attached to them, and then releasing that resistance. So embracing it and then releasing. And then magic starts to happen when we do this. When we embrace it, we release it. And then we get the breakthroughs. 

And that leads us to stage six, really unleashing our power. And the guidelines here are choices, intention, focus, repetition, and belief. And when we come to this stage, it's really about having a marathon mindset, instead of a sprint mindset. When we look at the brain and neuroplasticity, it takes at least 63 days to see the physical changes of a new neural network in the brain. So when you come to this stage, in stage six, you need to have a long term vision and know that you will cycle through these other stages as you're moving towards the goal. It's not a one and done process. You get to go back and you get to clarify and you get to play with it and you get to you really pivot if you need to if you're not aligned with that goal anymore that you originally started with. 

And the possible roadblock here in stage six, is impatience with yourself and your circumstances, because you are going to have old patterns surface that aren't serving you in or keeping you from moving forward. It's a part of challenging yourself. Because what we're doing when we're going after a goal or a dream, is we are stepping into the unknown. And our brains don't like that, because our brains like to be able to predict outcomes, to have comfort and safety, with things that are familiar, even if those familiar things have components that don't feel good to them. So unleashing your power is really about understanding that about your brain, and supporting yourself through that process. 

And understanding that when those old patterns come up, you can use tapping to help release and then pivot back in to that direction that will lead you to that goal. So if you haven't already, I encourage you to go to the show notes, and download this neuroplasticity roadmap. This is a blueprint that I've made for you, to help you on your journey of achieving that dream or achieving that goal that you've always cut yourself short on and says you're not good enough, you can't have that, then you procrastinate, and then you sabotage. 

This blueprint is here to help you have a structure to get there. To know where you are in your journey and what step is next. And this roadmap that I'm sharing with you, is not only a blueprint for you to use on your own, but these concepts are what I'm teaching in my course that I am launching, all about turning down the volume of self doubt, so that you can live your dreams. So whether you do the course you're doing this on your own, I really want you to have this, I want you to have something tangible, to help you navigate and not get stuck as you're on your journey. 

Because it is not going to be all sunshine and rainbows, you will have days where you will want to give up. There's been many days not only in my podcasting journey, but as I'm creating this course that I thought, "What the fuck am I doing? Oh my god, this is so much work. I don't know what I'm doing. I don't understand how to do this bla bla bla bla bla". Right, we get to that point of overwhelm. And I have come back to these concepts that I'm teaching you in this podcast and in this neuroplasticity roadmap to help me do what I'm doing, to help me meet my goals and my dreams. 

And you deserve that too. Why the fuck not? And if you have a reason why you don't deserve it, let's tap on that shit. Let's let that go so that you can take that next step forward. Because you are worthy. You are deserving, getting emotional, you are loved. And you deserve to be you in this world and feel fulfilled. To not only go after your dream, but to experience your dream in a way that feels authentic to you. 

Thank you so much for joining me today. And I really hope you know that I believe in you. Even if you don't believe in yourself right now. And you may be saying to yourself, Stefanie, you don't even fucking know me. That's okay. I don't have to know you, to know that you are here in this existence in this life for a reason. And I firmly believe that when we are unhappy when we are in the pits of despair or depression, we are not living in alignment with who we really are, which is why those emotions are trying to get our attention to make a change. 

So let's do this. If you're ready, go grab that neuroplasticity roadmap to kick off your journey. You've got this!

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