Strength Discovered

From Religion to Spiritual Woo-woo

Stefanie Nielsen Season 1 Episode 22

I've been on a journey from being a devout Mormon, to going through a period of atheism, to now being on a deeper spiritual journey that is still unfolding! Literally moving from religion to a bit of woo woo. AND I'm loving it!

Join me on today's episode for a bit of woo woo fun! I'm pulling a tarot card for you.

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Well, hey there, it's your girl, Stefanie. Thanks for joining me again, today's episode is going to be a little bit different, and maybe a little bit woowoo compared to what we have been talking about lately, 

I have been reflecting about my transition out of religion. And I mean, it's been such a process. And there are still days where I struggle with old patterns and old beliefs and still feeling shame. For certain aspects of the way I'm living my life because of old programming. And one of the things that I used to have like an odd like, "oh, I shouldn't be doing this type feeling", is using my oracle cards or my tarot cards. And it's something I've recently gotten into over the last year, it started out as being a bit of fun. And now it's to the point where every time I pull a card for myself, the message is so spot on. It's kind of scary some days. 

And this is coming from a person who was scared to meditate when I was still in meshed in Mormonism, because I had a fear that it was going to pull me out of the religion. And I even went so far as to find a meditation teacher who was Mormon or LDS. And that experience was beautiful. It was wonderful. He focused on Christ centered meditations, which was amazing at the time. 

And then he went through a period of believing nothing was true. Because if you're not familiar with Mormonism, it is something that when you leave that faith, when you leave that belief behind, it's hard to believe in anything else after that. And as I've moved through that transition, and went from complete belief in a religion to then feeling like there was nothing worth believing in anymore at all, and going through a period of atheism. 

And then now like swinging back to the side of spirituality, a personal spirituality, a personal connection with whatever higher power there is. Which I'm not attached to a certain word. As of now, I tend to lean towards source, or the universe, or things of that nature that don't have a religious connotation to them. 

So for today, for a bit of fun, I have my tarot cards out in front of me. So the deck I'm using today is by Chris Ann. It's called "The Light Seers Tarot", and it's a 78 card deck with a guidebook. And I thought it'd be a bit of fun to pull a card to represent a message from your higher self today, something that your Higher Self is Trying to get your attention with, and to help wake you up. So this is a perspective that I am coming to this deck of cards with today, pulling with the intention of receiving a message from your higher self, to your current self to help you move forward in whatever next step you are trying to make right now in your life.

So you're going to hear me move these cards a little bit, give them a little bit of a shuffle. We'll do this until it feels right. The funny thing about using cards for me is it has tapped me into my own intuition. So if I pull a card, and I'm like, that doesn't resonate at all, I will chalk that up to my intuition saying that didn't work out. If it really resonates, then there's a part of my intuition that's in line with that. So that's how I see the use of tarot cards and oracle cards is really a way to connect with our own inner wisdom. 

So I'm going to shuffle these a little bit more. One card just popped out in front of me, actually came out reversed as well. So the card is the nine of pentacles. So because this card came up reversed, I'm going to share with you the shadow SEER side of this card in the guidebook. So some of the possible messages for you could be, "a need to reevaluate your relationship with work, can indicate material success while feeling alone, a workaholic, the realization that money alone will never be enough, financial delays, the pressure to appear more successful than you are." 

So whatever part of that message resonates with you the most. Allow yourself to see if it's connecting with your intuition or not. I'm going to go ahead and read this passage for you and see what resonates. Take what works, discard the rest. 

"In shadow. This card suggests that you may be working too hard and not seeing enough in return. Examine feelings of self worth and look at your energy balance in and out. The rewards must always equal your energy expenditure. And if you sense an imbalance, then it's time to make amends the harmony and harvest you seek her in front of you now." And the affirmation for this card is this, "I enjoy the bliss and abundance that I have sown". 

So take that for what it's worth, a little bit of fun today. The Nine of Pentacles was the message I pulled, a higher self collective message, I guess you could say, I'm not experienced at that at all. But I felt called to do this today. So if you were listening, and this resonated with you, make sure you send me a message so that I know this was helpful. 

Sending you lots of love and light. Talk to you next time. And don't forget you've got this!