Strength Discovered

Present Moment (Mini-sode)

Stefanie Nielsen Season 1 Episode 24

So today is going to be something different that I haven't done before for you. But I feel like we've reached a point in our journey together where we can spend a few minutes just being present in this moment. 

So whatever you're doing right now, go ahead and continue to do. I'll be guiding you into the present moment.

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Well, hello and welcome. It's your girl Stefanie back again. So today is going to be something different that I haven't done before for you. But I feel like we've reached a point in our journey together where we can spend a few minutes just being present in this moment. 

So whatever you're doing right now, go ahead and continue to do. This is going to be an episode where you can do a mindless task, whether you're washing the dishes, or you're sweeping the floor, or you're going on a walk, or whatever it is. While you're listening to this, to get greater access to the present moment that you're actually in. So I want you to just notice, what your eyes are seeing right now. What do you see? Without labeling it, just notice what you're seeing. Be present with what's coming in through the senses of your vision.

And then notice what you hear? Is it more than just my voice? Are there other noises that you're picking up? Just notice without labeling, observe them. And next day want you to notice what you smell. It might be very subtle, or it might be strong. Just notice and observe what this sense is picking up. 

And now I want you to notice what you feel. What are your hands touching? What are those sensations like? What are your feet touching? Are they inside a pair of shoes? Are they on the floor barefoot? Just notice the sensations that the sense of touch is bringing into your awareness. 

And next I'd like you to go inside of your body. Starting with what you feel internally in your feet. What's there what do you notice? Is there a tingling sensation, a feeling of aliveness. And allow yourself to be present with what you feel in your knees. What sensations are there? Can you bring more awareness to what you are feeling internally? And then move up to your hips? What is it feeling like today to bring awareness into your hips into your pelvis into your body? What sensations Do you notice? 

Allow your awareness to move up farther into your body, into your gut into your stomach. What sensations are here? Can you feel the aliveness that is present within you? Can you feel the space as you go about your day as you're doing whatever you're doing? Can you sense this inner aliveness that is always here and always present? And allow your awareness to even come up farther in your body into your chest, into your heart space and to feel what it feels like there. Maybe there's a heaviness. Maybe you're carrying a burden. Maybe there's a lightness and an openness, a sensation of energy moving around inside your body. Whatever is there, just notice as you're doing what you're doing. Just being present in this moment. Accepting whatever sensations are present in this moment. 

Allowing whatever thoughts or emotions that are present in this moment, just be. To be allowed to be accepted and maybe even to be released. Just watch and observe whatever you are most aware of right now. And also notice there is an inner aliveness within your body that is there always. In every present moment you experience that is inviting you to feel into yourself. To know and love and accept yourself in this moment. 

And with whatever you're doing right now, bring your awareness back to what you notice with your eyes. What do you see? Can you notice what you see and have an inner aliveness inside of you and feel that within? Can you move to your auditory senses and notice what you're hearing? And still have an observation and awareness of your internal state, what it feels like in your body? And can you move to what you sense with your nose, the smells that are around you? And can you notice them while still being connected to this inner space within your body? 

I invite you today to be present in every moment that you are aware enough to be present. And when you're not present, to notice it and gently guide yourself back to being friends and at peace with whatever moment you're experiencing in your life. 

Thank you for joining me today. Let me know if you enjoyed this what your experience was. You can find me on Instagram @strengthdiscovered. Talk to you soon. You've got this