Strength Discovered

Season 1 Wrap up

Stefanie Nielsen Season 1 Episode 26

What a beautiful first season for the Strength Discovered Podcast!

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Hey there, it's your girl, Stefanie here. And it's been a hot minute. I definitely missed doing this every week and podcasting. And I took a little hiatus and thank you for hanging out - hanging in there with me, really. 

I launched my course of overcoming self doubt, right turning down that volume so that you can start to live your dreams and achieve your goals. And I'm in the middle of that course right now, as I'm recording this, and I'm in love. I'm in love with this process of helping you get from where you are, to where you want to be, with a compassionate curiosity for yourself, instead of this constant judgment and telling yourself you're not good enough. 

I feel so grateful and grounded. As I go through this process with the six women that said yes to themselves, to move through this course with me. And it's interesting, and it's something that I am aware of, but when we help others, it almost amplifies our own personal growth and evolution. When we can get out of our head and out of our own way, be authentically ourselves and give from our heart with joy. magic starts to happen. absolute pure magic. 

I'm experiencing so many things on a personal level right now. That's hard to put into words. And I'm using this little break time from podcasting to really sit with where I want this to go next. And I would love your feedback to help guide me on that journey and what you need. Where are you right now? Where are you? Where do you want to be? And what do you think is going to help you get there? What do you need to let go of in order to get there, I am here to serve you, on your journey to serve you with the love to serve you with support, to serve with you with what you need to look inside, to transcend that self doubt in such a way that you get to the core of who you are. 

And then a freely able to express that in the most authentic way possible. Whether it's with your body with food in your relationship in your business, it doesn't matter. The process is honestly the same every single time. And that's what I noticed throughout my whole life is when I embrace this process of really accepting where I am allowing myself to dream about where I want it to be. And then bridging that gap with compassionate curiosity for myself as I looked inside, to let go of what needed to be let go of and step into that energy required to get that thing. 

It. It happened when I left religion, it happened when I overcame binge eating, it's happening in my relationship right now not only with my husband with my children as well, this process is the same, it doesn't change. And that's great news, we don't have to learn a new system to figure it out. Right? We just need to know where we are, where we're going, see the gap in between and make those adjustments. 

And sometimes that's uncomfortable. And that's okay. There are certain types of discomfort that are so rewarding as you move through. And that's something else that I feel really called to not only help myself understand deeper but also, so you as well. There is so much joy in the journey itself. In the momentary experiences themselves. When we see it that way, no matter where we are, then we have access to the simplicity and that joyfulness, now. 

Instead of projecting out to I'll be happy when I achieve that dream or when I achieve that goal. Fuck that. Forget that perspective. Will it increase your happiness? Yeah, probably. But what about now? How about now? Why can't you have some happiness and joy now? Because I promise you no matter your life experience in this current moment, there is something that you are very joyful about the we're very grateful for -hat is so simple, that you might be completely overlooking. So on this journey that we're going on in life, right from where we are to where we want to be, how do you want to get there? With what kind of emotional states do you want to get there? 

I wasn't really expecting any of that to come out of me today. Really the purpose of this little mini-sode that's wrapping up season one is to understand what you need more of. 

Do you want to learn more about the neuroscience aspects?

Do you want to learn more about the spirituality aspects of growth? 

Do you want to hear more about my personal experience through Mormonism and leaving and atheism and then coming back to this place of deep spirituality? 

What is going to help you?

What do you want to know more of, and I think it might be helpful for you to kind of know where I stand on a few things. And that would help you give me guidance and direction with how I can help you better. So some of the things that I have found incredibly helpful on my journey, and one actually, one of the things that really woke me up was meditation to start out with. And I didn't see it at the time. But that was really like this gateway in. And it was inspired by Eckhart Tolle's book, The Power of Now. 

It was like this big thing that opened me up in a different way. I mean, moving my body has also been helpful: yoga, or Qi Gong, that kind of mindfulness of the body approach. Because the mind body connection cannot be broken, it cannot be broken. And that's very evident in my own journey through the experience of fibromyalgia, learning skills to help that mind body connection, release the tension that was actually causing the pain that was spurred on or developed by past trauma. And really approaching it from that mental emotional level. And then watching my physical pain decrease. So crazy cool. 

And then really overcoming binge eating. It's so interesting. When I work with clients, or when someone reaches out to me and instant messaging, most women who reached out to me have a similar experience with religion, and or body image and food. And it's really, it's empowering for me to be able to help them on their journey, because I know what it's like to be there, it feels quite shitty. 

And then a couple other things that have helped me along the way. And this might get some pushback from some people, I might lose some listeners, and that's okay. I need to be authentically myself and attract those people to me, who can I can actually serve and help. So a couple of other things have been helpful for me has been different forms of plant medicine. And I do realize that there will be people who are like "peace out, I'm done with you, Stefanie, I'm not into that". And that's okay. I really see different plant medicine as forms of being able to see ourselves and our lives from a different perspective. 

And I will also say that I did some personal research for myself before I even went down that route. I did it in a way that was very safe and thought out. So if that's where your mind went, just so you know, there is some preparation involved, if you want to go that route. I listened to a lot of podcasts about how you can actually use it to shift your mind and see things in a different way, which is crazy cool. And I was very closed off to it at first but the farther I got in this new spiritual awakening, that I would consider myself having, is being open to different ways to change my perspectives. 

So where are you on your personal journey? How can I help support you in developing that compassionate curiosity for yourself so that you can continue to move forward with more joy in that evolution process? Instead of the judgment piece that can weigh us down on bog us down. Let me know there'll be a link in the show notes. To fill out a survey completely anonymous. You can give me your name if you'd like to, I'd love to connect on a personal level. But if you feel comfortable to stay anonymous, that's okay too. You can find that link in the show notes. 

And remember, you've got this!